"My wedding photos are rubbish."
That's what I think, as I privately compete with myself, always looking for ways to improve. Thankfully my lack of confidence has never stopped me from enjoying what I do; photography has certainly enriched my life, giving me a greater sense of purpose, in a world where freedom of expression is openly embraced.
I'm a curious individual, fascinated by the human condition; people interest me and my wedding photography relies on a warmth and understanding of these same people, who feel and display real emotions.
So, as I revisit my wedding portfolio from 2019, I look back with fond memories of good times, taking pictures for fun and without any preconceptions. Wedding days are full of photo opportunities, so why fake it.
My work isn't for everyone; I don't follow the latest trends and I certainly won't be telling the world how 'epic' and 'awesome' my latest wedding was. I'm an introvert, hiding in the shadows of a saccharine sweet wedding industry, where the art of schmoozing makes me cringe.
In a moral quest to follow my own beliefs, I've a chosen a different direction, where everything I do is based on honesty and discretion. The work I produce truly reflects who I am as a photographer and as a person. My wedding photos aren't fake and neither am I.
"If you want to look pretty, just be happy."